The Bioness L300 GO is Here!
The team has completed the training and we now have the Bioness Technology Access Program equipment in the house! The Exercise Therapists will work with appropriate clients to utilize the equipment as part of their therapy. In addition, the Physical Therapist who works with Bioness will be onsite occasionally to support our clients and therapists too! Check out the fun training day below!
SAS is Coming Back!

Like the rest of us, our friends at Seattle Adaptive Sports are emerging from isolation, and slowly progressing towards resuming activities! Planning is underway for their summer hockey program and try-it-out clinic. Please contact if you'd like more information or to get involved! You can read more about their sled hockey program here.
Save The Date!

GiveBIG is coming up in early May, and we're excited that we'll be featured in The Seattle Times!
Watch for our featured article in the Sunday, April 25th edition- we'll be in the GiveBig Magazine insert!
...and if you miss it, don't worry... we're so excited that we'll likely email out the electronic link too :)