We're Here! We're Disinfecting! We're Still Smiling!
Wow- these are strange times.
As we mentioned earlier this week, we are doing all we can to to keep our staff and clients healthy. In addition to the universal/standard precautions that our team uses every day for themselves and the equipment, we have integrated CDC recommendations to further protect everyone who enters our facility.
As this continues, we are requiring all staff and clients who are experiencing symptoms of acute respiratory illness (cough, sneezing, shortness of breath, fever) not associated with a chronic condition, stay home and not return to our facility until they are free of fever and/or associated symptoms for at least 24 hours (without using fever-reducing medications).
Thorough and consistent hand-washing and hand-sanitizing practices continue to be the simplest, easiest route of prevention. Our Exercise Therapists are now sporting stylish hand sanitizer holsters, keeping a supply with them at all times. They'll happily share with clients throughout a session!
The good news is that we remain healthy and dedicated to our clients... and the boisterous levels of laughter and fun in the workout area continue.
We'll continue to update as needed. As always, we thank you for trusting us with your care.
~Team PB